Our clients choose us because they've waited for change to come naturally for long enough and it just isn't happening. This is your journey, your story, we're just the vehicle in which it happens. See a few of our client stories below!

Client Stories

Weight loss has been a long journey for me. It’s always felt like a battle I could not completely win on my own. I have good habits overall. I eat right most of the time, don’t drink much and work out regularly. I also work a high stress job and don’t get much movement during a typical work day. I haven’t been able to find that balance where the weight I lose doesn’t slowly inch back on. Working with Dr. Shashikant and Jami has been a game changer for me. They have been helpful in answering all of my questions and ensuring the process has been safe and effective! I’m excited to continue this journey with him! 

Angie's Story

My entire adult life I’ve lived with food as a motivator. Got a new client? Go out for dinner to celebrate. Got dumped? Get ice cream. Had a stressful day? Just have a snack. Mom cooked dinner? Better eat it all. Working with Dr. Shashikant and Jami and utilizing medical weight loss injections have really helped me reign in my "need to eat" attitude and helped reshape the way I think about food. Full disclosure, I tried medical weight loss with another provider about 8 months ago. While I did lose weight, I didn’t “learn” anything and ended up gaining it all back. What I love about Results Norfolk is the personalized approach to my weight loss. One size doesn’t fit all in weight loss, we’re all different and they treat you as such. 

Sara's Story

I love playing with old film cameras! It's a hobby of mine.

My camera

Caption for the next thing would go right here.

Thing #2 

This is another caption for this third item right here. 

Thing #3

This area can be used for any kind of list. Get creative!

Thing #4

Your fifth must-have would go right about here. Yup, yup.

Thing #5

"Losing weight doesn't have to be difficult."

Everything in business is learnable, fixable, and figureoutable.

You don't have to be a workaholic
to be successful. Really.

When does your weight loss story begin?